The latest articles in joint and orthopedic surgery

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  • New in the treatment of osteosarcoma
    What's new in the treatment of osteosarcoma? Much research on osteosarcoma is now being conducted in many medical centers, university hospitals, and other institutions around the world. New in understanding of osteosarcoma cells Researchers are learning more about what makes osteosarcoma cells different from normal bone cells. Learning more about changes in cells may lead to…

    New in the treatment of osteosarcoma Read More »

  • Neck spurs disease and its problems
    Neck spurs disease and its problems

    Osteoarthritis of the neck beaks is one of the common neck problems in which people suffer from unpleasant pain in addition to many secondary symptoms related to the position of the vertebrae. What is beak disease? Bony beaks are areas of excess bony growth that people get after advancing age, especially after sixty, and bony beaks may occur in…

  • Robotic knee replacement surgery and everything related to it
    Robotic knee replacement surgery and everything related to it

    Robotic knee joint replacement is one of the advanced surgeries that requires special preparation and quality equipment, as the robot does not replace the joint on its own, but requires a skilled surgeon to guide it. What is the robotic knee joint replacement procedure? Robotic knee replacement surgery is similar to traditional knee surgeries where a consultant orthopedic surgeon removes tissue…

  • Symptoms and treatment of anterior cruciate ligament rupture
    Symptoms and treatment of anterior cruciate ligament rupture

    Symptoms of an anterior cruciate ligament tear occur when you feel like your knee has collapsed or given up. You may feel or hear a pop, and the knee begins to swell. This is a common injury that usually affects athletes. Symptoms of an anterior cruciate ligament tear When the anterior cruciate ligament is torn or torn, the affected person feels the symptoms and signs of a torn ligament injury appear immediately, and the most important of these symptoms are: As for the symptoms of a torn…

  • Neck pain: causes, prevention and treatment methods
    Neck pain: causes, prevention and treatment methods

    Neck pain is a very common symptom that can result from many reasons, such as stress, injuries, and various diseases, which affects daily activities and reduces the quality of a person’s lifestyle. Neck pain can last several days or years, and may result from serious diseases such as tumors. Learn with us about neck pain, its causes, and treatment methods. A glimpse of…

  • Information about hip replacement operations with an artificial joint in Türkiye
    Information about hip replacement operations with an artificial joint in Türkiye

    Hip replacement in Turkey is a surgical procedure in which damaged parts of the pelvis and femur are replaced with artificial parts in order to relieve hip pain and stiffness and improve the patient's mobility. Hip replacement surgery can be performed to treat conditions such as hip fractures and improper growth of the hip joint. However, most hip replacement surgeries are performed in elderly people...

  • Congenital hip dislocation treatment
    Congenital hip dislocation treatment

    Treating congenital hip dislocation is one of the most sought-after treatments due to its impact on the child’s quality of life. Treatment methods for this hip dislocation have developed significantly in recent times. What is congenital hip dislocation? Congenital dislocation of the hip, or what is called Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip, or Congenital Dislocation of the Hip for short (DDH), is a defect that affects…

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