Diseases of the musculoskeletal system

Inflammation of the sciatic nerve (sciatica) and its risks

Inflammation of the sciatic nerve (sciatica) and its risks

Inflammation of the sciatic nerve (sciatica) is irritation of the nerve as a result of its compression, which leads to feeling pain that spreads along the path of the nerve from the lower back to the legs, which restricts the patient’s movement. The danger of inflammation of the sciatic nerve lies in the possibility of chronic weakness in the leg muscles, causing foot drop. Let us learn together about inflammation of the sciatic nerve and its risks. What is it …

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The best methods for treating osteoporosis

The best methods for treating osteoporosis

Osteonecrosis is treated through conservative and surgical treatment with the aim of improving joint function and relieving pain, in addition to preventing bone damage that may lead to severe arthritis. Non-surgical treatment is useful when detecting the condition early by slowing down the progression of the condition, but most cases are detected late and therefore it is necessary to treat osteonecrosis...

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Bone marrow transplant - its importance and complications

Bone marrow transplant - its importance and complications

A marrow transplant is used to replace damaged stem cells in the bone tissue to recreate blood normally. Bone marrow transplant is used to treat many diseases. The marrow transplant requires healthy stem cells, which may be from the same patient or from another patient, and this process is used to treat many diseases such as …

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Cover image of the psoriasis article

psoriasis of the joints; All information related to it

Psoriasis of the joints, also called psoriatic arthritis, is one of the unwanted problems that some psoriasis patients face, and it is the most common seronegative arthritis. In this article, we will include all the information related to psoriasis of the joints, or what is called psoriatic arthritis, so that you will have a first step in knowing the basics of dealing with the disease and protecting people with psoriasis …

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Cover image of the hand tendinitis article

hand tendinitis; Its problems and ways to solve them

Hand tendinitis is one of the common injuries in our days, due to the large number of wrong movements that we make using our hands in our daily tasks and while doing housework. Hand tendonitis is common among users of mobile phones, whose holding for long periods causes damage to the hand tendons. It is also common in women who do household tasks for a long time and take little rest. Follow us …

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Rotator cuff inflammation - methods of diagnosis and treatment

Rotator cuff inflammation - methods of diagnosis and treatment

Rotator cuff inflammation is inflammation of a group of tendons inside the shoulder joint, which causes difficulty in moving the arm, and inflammation must be treated early before a tear in the shoulder tendons occurs. Rotator cuff tendinitis usually affects people who use the shoulder joint for a long time. It affects athletes who practice swimming or shooting. It may also occur due to …

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Knee tendonitis - ways to treat it at home

Knee tendinitis - ways to treat it at home

Knee tendinitis is one of the most common joint diseases, and the patellar tendon that connects the kneecap and tibia is the most common affected tendon. The treatment of knee tendinitis depends on the severity of the injury. Knee tendinitis often occurs in athletes due to excessive use of the knee joint and repeated pressure on it, which causes pain in the knee area, and this pain increases …

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Osteoarthritis - how it occurs and the most important methods of treatment

Bone sclerosis - how it occurs and the most important methods of treatment

Osteosclerosis is a rare disease that occurs due to an increase in bone density, which leads to stiffness and hardening of the bone. Symptoms vary according to the type of sclerosis. Hearing impairment may occur due to sclerosis of the middle ear. Osteosclerosis is an acquired or hereditary disease in which bone density increases, and it is also called marble bone disease.

Bone sclerosis - how it occurs and the most important methods of treatment Read More »

Abdominal muscle tear and how to distinguish it from a hernia

Abdominal muscle tear and how to distinguish it from a hernia

Rupture of the abdominal muscles is the occurrence of excessive stretching of the muscle fibers as a result of sudden movements and muscle strain, which makes them unable to resist, so they tear and severe pain similar to hernia pain occurs. The danger of muscle tear in the abdomen is that it increases the risk of hernias. Learn with us about abdominal muscle tear, its causes and treatment. A glimpse at the tearing of the abdominal muscles The tearing of the abdominal muscles...

Abdominal muscle tear and how to distinguish it from a hernia Read More »

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In Istanbul

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