Author name: Medical team

Graduated from the Faculty of Medicine in 2015 from the Islamic University of Gaza. He worked in the Palestinian Gaza Hospital of the Ministry of Health for a year. He then traveled to Turkey and worked in Cerrahpaşa Hospital between 2018 and 2019 and then worked in the Urgent Department between 2019 and 2021 in Medicine Hospital. Then he started working as an assistant to Dr. Cetin Isik in the Department of Orthopedics. He is now working as an article writer in the Orthopedic Department and an assistant doctor for Orthopedic Doctor Cetin Isik in addition to his work as a medical director in Bimaristan Company.

Torn ligaments in the hand: causes, symptoms and treatment methods

Torn ligaments in the hand: causes, symptoms and treatment methods

A tear in the hand ligaments is the stretching and cracking of the ligaments that connect the bones of the hand together, causing difficulty in moving the hand joints, increasing the risk of arthritis, and affecting the patient’s activity. Hand ligaments are among the ligaments most susceptible to tearing due to frequent use of the hands, and thus the possibility of injury is greater than the rest of the ligaments in the body. Learn with us about the causes of torn hand ligaments...

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Knee stiffness: causes, prevention and treatment methods

Knee stiffness: causes, prevention and treatment methods

Knee stiffness is a common condition in which the movement of the knee joint is restricted as a result of several factors, such as arthritis, with age, which affects daily activities and a person’s lifestyle. Knee stiffness affects all ages and genders, but it is common among the elderly and athletes who practice sports that require repetitive knee movements, in addition to those who suffer from inflammatory conditions in the…

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Neck stiffness and ways to prevent it

Neck stiffness and ways to prevent it

Neck stiffness is a very common condition characterized by difficulty moving the neck and head due to muscle strain. Stiffness may be a symptom of many serious diseases such as meningitis and tumors. Neck stiffness is caused by tension and inflammation of the muscles and tendons, which leads to stiffness. Learn with us about the causes of neck stiffness and ways to prevent it. An overview of neck stiffness Neck stiffness is the difficulty of moving the neck...

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Inflammation of the sciatic nerve (sciatica) and its risks

Inflammation of the sciatic nerve (sciatica) and its risks

Inflammation of the sciatic nerve (sciatica) is irritation of the nerve as a result of its compression, which leads to feeling pain that spreads along the path of the nerve from the lower back to the legs, which restricts the patient’s movement. The danger of inflammation of the sciatic nerve lies in the possibility of chronic weakness in the leg muscles, causing foot drop. Let us learn together about inflammation of the sciatic nerve and its risks. What is it …

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Ankle swelling: Is it a serious problem?

Ankle swelling: Is it a serious problem?

Ankle swelling is a common condition characterized by swelling of the ankle joint caused by fluid accumulation around the tissues of the feet and ankle as a result of many causes, such as trauma, which leads to difficulty walking. Ankle swelling may result from some diseases, such as heart failure and kidney failure, which calls for concern and the need to treat the cause of the swelling. So what is ankle swelling? Is it a serious problem? what …

Ankle swelling: Is it a serious problem? Read More »

Neck spasm: its causes and how to treat it

Neck spasm: its causes and how to treat it

Neck spasm is a common condition characterized by sudden, involuntary and painful contractions of the neck muscles, making them stiff and difficult to move normally, which affects a person’s life and activities. Neck spasms are caused by prolonged poor posture and overuse of the neck muscles, and symptoms usually last from several minutes to several weeks. The importance of neck spasms lies in...

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The best methods for treating osteoporosis

The best methods for treating osteoporosis

Osteonecrosis is treated through conservative and surgical treatment with the aim of improving joint function and relieving pain, in addition to preventing bone damage that may lead to severe arthritis. Non-surgical treatment is useful when detecting the condition early by slowing down the progression of the condition, but most cases are detected late and therefore it is necessary to treat osteonecrosis...

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Karpal Tunel Sendromu

What is carpal tunnel syndrome disease

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, a term describing compression of the median nerve in the palmar part of the wrist causing pain, numbness, numbness, and impaired movement in the palm of the hand. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Anatomy Anatomy plays a key role in the occurrence of this syndrome. Our wrist (Wrist) has two sides, one side of the palm end and one side of the back of the hand, which are…

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Home and natural neck sprain treatment

Home and natural neck sprain treatment

Neck sprain treatment is usually done gradually from rest and neck pain relief to physical therapy, and neck sprain usually occurs when sleeping in the wrong position. The treatment of a sprained neck is no different from the treatment of sprains anywhere in the body, and usually the recovery is gradual with time through the application of treatment methods. Sprains cause neck pain and headaches...

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Make an appointment with Dr. Çetin Işık
In Istanbul

Make an appointment with Dr. Çetin Işık
In Istanbul