Image showing the treatment of stiff joints with herbs

The 9 best plants for treating joint stiffness with herbs

The treatment of stiff joints with herbs has recently attracted the attention of researchers, despite the use of different types of herbs throughout history in the treatment of arthritis and pain management.

What is the herbal treatment for stiff joints?

It is an alternative treatment that is based on the use of herbs, seeds or materials extracted from them in several ways with the aim of relieving joint, bone and muscle pain and facilitating the movement of the affected limb without the need for medications or surgeries that may cause pain and problems in the future.

Image showing borage flower used to treat stiff joints with herbs
Many varieties of flowers can be used to treat stiff joints with herbs

Herbal-treated stiffness is usually mild and persists for a short period after waking up or after the patient has been sitting for a long period of time. It can be accompanied by inflammation. In more severe cases, new symptoms are seen, such as difficulty walking and inability to move the affected joints.

There are many problems that cause stiffness and joint pain, most notably:

  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Osteoarthritis.
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus
  • Bursitis
  • Gout
  • Bone cancer

Joint stiffness and ligament stiffness can also be seen without a disease or a direct cause for it, such as sleeping in the wrong position, old age or obesity, and eating large quantities of processed foods in addition to fractures and joint bruises.

9 best herbs for stiff joints

Many plants are used and there are different forms of treatment that are derived from the seeds, leaves or roots of natural herbs that have effective healing properties.


Eucalyptus is a well-known and widely used recipe in the treatment of many acute and chronic conditions. Eucalyptus leaf extract is applied topically to the affected joint to relieve pain.

Eucalyptus for treating stiff joints with herbs
Eucalyptus flower

The leaves contain tannins that help reduce joint swelling and facilitate movement, and it is possible to apply hot compresses with it to increase its effectiveness.

It is important to know that the oil extracted from the leaves should not be applied directly to the skin, as it may not provide the desired therapeutic results. Rather, it must be mixed with a second oil that is gentler on the skin and works to deliver the active substances to the deeper layers of the skin without affecting them, such as:

  1. Coconut Oil
  2. Jojoba oil
  3. Olive oil
  4. Avocado oil
  5. Sunflower oil

Patients with joint stiffness should be careful not to have an allergic reaction after applying eucalyptus ointment, as it may uncommonly cause pain and swelling in the joint.

Cat's claw

This plant is found in the tropics of the Amazon forest and South America and was used by the Amazonian tribes in the treatment of inflammation, cancer and infections for long periods before it was discovered again in contemporary times.

Photo showing cat's claw flowers
Cat's claw flowers

This plant has been proven in a British study It included the use of cat's claw with maca root as it was effective in treating stiffness and reduced the need for joint pain relievers after treatment, and in a another a British study Again, there was a clear improvement in the motor symptoms of osteoarthritis without side effects, but the plant did not have the same effectiveness in reducing swelling.

The high levels of tannins present in the cat’s claw plant may cause some digestive symptoms such as nausea and diarrhea, especially when consumed in large quantities, and pregnant women and patients with pressure and cholesterol should avoid them as much as possible because they interfere with the action of some medications.


Tamarind seed is a fruitful plant that is naturally found in Asia and Africa. Tamarind seeds have an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect and have been used in folk medicine to relieve fever, bone and joint pain, heart problems and indigestion.

Picture of tamarind on the tree
Tamarind fruits

Tamarind seed and leaves contain a lot of useful components in the management of pain such as procyanidin, which is one of the most effective natural sources in relieving inflammation in addition to containing phosphorous, potassium, calcium and magnesium.

A team of herbal medicine researchers from America and the Netherlands has done a Clinical trial Using a mixture of turmeric and tamarind, it was found that the natural remedy helps in managing patients’ joint pain and stiffness without side effects.

Poison ivy

At the beginning of the eighteenth century, a French doctor decided to use Toxicodendron Radicans in the treatment of common diseases such as allergic dermatitis, foot pain and others without clear results, but with time it became clear that this plant can be used to treat arthritis and its stiffness, as it is used in the form of water-soluble tablets. or generation.

A picture showing the poison sumac plant
The flowers of the rooted poison sumac plant are used in the herbal treatment of stiffness

The scientific evidence about the health benefits of root sumac is not clear and there is a British study that investigated its properties, as it showed that it reduces joint stiffness and changes in inflammatory cartilage in experimental mice, and it may be more beneficial if given in the form of a gel.

It is worth noting that poison ivy may cause a skin rash when used in the treatment of arthritis, in addition to pain and swelling in the feet rarely, so it should not be used without consulting a doctor.

Indian or Arabic frankincense

The gum extracted from the bark of the Indian Boswellia tree has a distinctive aromatic smell, so it is one of the most common herbs in terms of use in cosmetics.

Image showing frankincense flowers
Frankincense flowers

In contrast to the previous plant, scientists have learned about the distinctive benefits of frankincense in a large number of studies. The therapeutic database in alternative herbal medicine and gum arabic recipes has given a high evaluation in the treatment of arthritis in addition to the stiffness of the inflamed joint, osteoarthritis pain and many orthopedic problems.

Frankincense is given by pills at a dose of 100 mg in osteoarthritis and 1200 mg in rheumatoid arthritis, where it effectively treats stiffness and joint pain, bearing in mind that it may interfere with the effects of antidepressants and immunosuppressants.


It is a traditional spice widely used in India and China. It is one of the main ingredients in Indian cuisine. The active substance in it is curcumin. It treats joint pain and relieves joint stiffness affected by rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.

Joint pain is a very common problem in Asian countries. The use of turmeric in herbal medicine dates back thousands of years. Recently, a study that reviewed the benefits of traditional herbal medicine proved that turmeric is able to treat joint stiffness with the same effectiveness as anti-inflammatory drugs used in the treatment of osteoarthritis.

It is worth noting that there are many types of turmeric spice, so to achieve the best effectiveness in the treatment of joint stiffness, pure curcumin extract should be obtained at a dose of 500 mg twice a day, taking into account that the pills should contain phospholipids and antioxidants in order to be absorbed more.

Neither pregnant women nor patients with gallbladder inflammation should treat themselves with turmeric before consulting a doctor.


According toa British study Conducted in the year 2020, the effectiveness of cinnamon was clearly demonstrated in the treatment of many types of joint stiffness and body infections, which means that the symptoms of the affected joint often improve and pain decreases when resting, in addition to movement pain.

It is safe to consume cinnamon in reasonable quantities in food, but too much of it for the purpose of treating stiff joints with herbs may lead to abdominal pain and digestive problems, so care must be taken when using it for a therapeutic purpose.


There are many types of ginger that have its origins in East Asia, where it was used in the past as one of the methods of folk medicine with herbs in the treatment of nausea, menstrual pain and stiff joints and knees problems.

Practically it can be taken up to 2 grams of ginger in tea without serious side effects and can contribute to the treatment of joint stiffness in addition to many types of arthritis.

Flaxseed Oil

The effectiveness of flaxseed oil in treating stiff joints is due to its content of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids and lignan, a compound that is credited with relieving joint pain with herbs, as it is found in many types of therapeutic plants.

The use of linseed oil will lubricate the stiff joint and will significantly reduce joint pain in addition to having a cholesterol-lowering effect, which helps in managing many types of joint problems.

Eating the seeds alone is not useful in treating stiff joints with herbs. Rather, they must be crushed or squeezed. It is not recommended to increase its daily dose to 30 grams, or three tablespoons of oil, or three tablespoons of oil, because it may affect medications for treating pressure and heart, and it is not recommended to consume it with cholesterol-lowering drugs.

Herbal alternatives to treating stiff joints

It is possible for a patient with joint stiffness to resort to alternative treatment methods that may contribute to a significant improvement in his condition without resorting to expensive types of medical treatment with extensive side effects.

Sports treatment for stiff joints

Some patients may not suffer from global joint stiffness, and the affected joint may be limited to a specific area such as the knees and feet, then joint sports therapy may be an excellent alternative to herbs in improving effectiveness and relieving pain.

Sports therapy usually involves practicing tai chi and yoga to naturally increase joint range of motion, and weight loss may also help.

Chinese acupuncture treatment for stiff joints

Chinese acupuncture treatment relieves joint pain significantly and helps patients regain their vitality and activity in a short time.

Massage therapy for stiff joints

It can greatly relieve stress and speed up the healing process

Don't hesitate to Contact us Learn more about herbal treatment for stiff joints and its alternatives.


  1. PubMed
  2. Arthritis Foundation
  3. Medline Plus
  4. Hindawi Medical Journal
  5. Versus Arthritis

Common questions

Yes, there is borage oil, thunder god plant, aloe vera in addition to nuts containing omega-3 fatty acids such as walnuts and almonds.

There are many reasons such as immune diseases, inflammation of the joint and not moving it for a long time.

Physicians perform a range of motion examination of the joint actively when they ask the patient to move their joint and passively when they move it themselves.

Chronic pain can cause anxiety, fatigue, sleep disturbances, and eventually depression.

Patients with vitamin D deficiency may experience joint pain and stiffness.

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